Past Event

Talk on “Professional Competency Exam”
Venue: Wisma IEM, 04- TUSTD Lecture Room, 2nd Floor, 03- CSETD Lecture Room, 2nd Floor
Date & Time: 06 Mar 2015 (5:30 PM - 7:30 PM)
CPD: 2
Closing Date Before: 03-Mar-2015 (Subject to change based on availability of seat)
Organised By Standing Committee on Professional Practice


The Registration of Engineers Act 1967 is an Act of Parliament enacted to regulate engineers and the engineering profession. First passed by Parliament in 1967, it came into force in 1972 and to date has been amended six times with the latest amendments passed by Parliament in November/December 2014. The Ministry of Works intends to enforce the new amendments by mid-2015 after due process of obtaining Royal Accent and gazetting.

These amendments were mainly driven by Malaysia’s commitments in International Trade wherein under the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services timeline, the last date for liberalisation for Business and Professional Services is 2015. As a safeguard measure to protect public interest, a new concept of two-tier registration has been introduced with the 1st tier being the Professional engineer and a new 2nd tier of the Professional engineer with practising certificate. To move from the 1st tier to the 2nd tier, the Professional engineer will have to pass a Professional Competency Exam (PCE).

This talk will cover the rationale behind the PCE and its purpose. In brief, the PCE will test the candidate’s knowledge, experience and application of the Registration of Engineers Act, the Registration of Engineers Regulations, relevant statutory laws, design codes and the standards of professionalism and ethical behaviour imposed by the Board of Engineers Malaysia. The structure and format of the PCE will also be covered together with the eligibility requirements.


YBhg Dato’ Paduka Ir Hj Keizrul Abdullah is the Chairperson of the Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (Green Tech Malaysia) and a Past President of IEM. As a member of the Engineers Act Committee of the Board of Engineers Malaysia he has been involved in the recent amendments to the Registration of Engineers Act 1967 which was passed by the Dewan Rakyat on 27th November 2014 and the Dewan Negara on 17th December 2014. He is presently a member of the BEM team conducting a series of roadshows nationwide on the new amendments to the Engineers Act.

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Talk on “Professional Competency Exam”

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