Resource Centre



The Resource Centre is well stocked with numerous collection on various subjects such as engineering, management , social science , architecture, health and self improvement

Within this IEM Website, you can find information about the entire collection of books, Ebook, magazines, journals, audio visual materials and other reading materials that are kept in Resource Centre. 



The Resource Centre's collection can be categorised into five main groups, and each group comprises of a few types.

  1. Monograph & Monographic Series
    a. Reference Collection
    b. Open shelves Collection
  2. Serials and periodicals
    a. Journals and Magazines
    b. Newsletters
    c. Annual Reports and Brochures
    d. Newspapers
  3. Special collections
    a.  Government Publications, Standards, Guideline and Legislation
    b.  Reproduced Articles, Research Papers and Conference Proceedings, and
    c.  Press Cuttings 
  4. IEM publications - Jurutera Bulletin, Journals and Directories
  5. Audio-visual and electronic databases
    a.  Software
    b.  CD-ROM
    c.  Audio and Video Cassettes
    d.  Photograph and Slides, etc.
    e.  Online Database Services, Internet, etc.


The following rules and regulations have been drawn up to better serve users and to ensure a conducive environment for research in the IEM Resource Centre:

  • Users shall maintain perfect order and reasonable silence at all times
  • Noise, disturbances, or inappropriate behaviour is prohibited, including abusive or threatening behaviour to IEM staff and other IEM users
  • Pets are not allowed in the IEM
  • Smoking (including the use of electronic and herbal cigarettes) is not permitted in the IEM
  • IEM materials are to be used with extra care and users are not to mutilate, disfigure, deface or otherwise damage IEM property
  • Only staffs and registered members of IEM are entitled to use the library
  • Visitors or external users who are not members should make prior arrangements with the IEM to use the facilities including submission of an introduction letter from their head of department, librarian, or organisation
  • IEM will not be responsible for any loss, damage, or theft of visitor’s items
  • These rules and regulations of IEM are subject to change from time to time


  • A borrower is responsible for all materials borrowed and the return of any materials recorded as borrowed by him or her. Failure to return materials will be subject to a fine or payment for the cost of replacement
  • Loan will be issued during library opening hours
  • Books on loan are for the personal use of the borrower only, and must not be passed on to any person. A borrower may not borrow books in anyone's name but his/her own.
  • The Librarian reserves the right to add, limit, or deny the loan eligibility to the user
  • The Librarian may recall any book from any member at any time and the member shall return the same immediately
  • The Librarian reserves the right to recall materials borrowed if they are required by another user at any time. A notice will be sent to the users informing him/her of the material to be recalled and the new due date. Failure to return the material by the new due date will result in suspension of loan privileges until all recalled items are returned
  • Do not write, underline, or deface any book. IEM books will be examined on return and the borrower held responsible for any damage
  • A charge will be made for items lost or badly damaged while on loan
  • If the books are lost, the borrower shall replace the books of the same edition or latest edition or pay double the cost of the book after getting permission from the Librarian.
  • The user shall report to the Librarian or IEM staff immediately for the loss of borrowed materials
  • Borrowers should not exceed their loan allowances. Loan periods depend on the category of borrower
  • Loan should be returned by the due date. Items may be renewed if they are not required by another user
  • Loan may be renewed either in person, by e-mail to IEM staff or Librarian or by phone



Open Shelf Collection (General Collection)

  • Open shelf collection (with barcode) can be borrowed by all users
  • The loans can be renewed for 2 times only. Longer borrowing/renewal period may be granted at the discretion of the Librarian
  • The Librarian has the discretion to restrict certain categories of materials held by the IEM from being borrowed such as the reference collection, IEM special collection, issues of periodicals, and materials in student texts collections
  • Loan will be issued during library opening hours

Reference Collection

  • Materials in the Reference collection cannot be borrowed. They must be consulted in the Resource Centre
  • Examples of Reference collection at the IEM are:

-      Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

-      Red Spot Collection

-      Handbooks/ Guidelines

-      Newspapers

-      Annual Reports

-      Standards (Local / International)

  • However the Librarian may allow reference materials to be borrowed under special circumstance 
  • Each borrower is eligible to borrow a maximum of 2 reference materials at one time
  • The loan period is for 3 days. Longer period maybe granted at the discretion of the Librarian
  • The Librarian reserve the right to limit, recall or deny any loan of such materials
  • Loan can only be issued during working hours

Serial Collection

  • Serial collection (current issues) are for the use in the library and not for loan
  • Materials may however be borrowed for research purposes based on the discretion of the Librarian
  • Back issues may be borrowed for 1 day only
  • Each borrower is eligible to borrow a maximum of two issues
  • The Librarian reserves the right to limit, recall, or deny loan of such materials

IEM Special Collection

  • The IEM Special Collection is for use in the IEM only
  • However the Librarian may allow them to be taken out from the IEM under special circumstances 
  • The Librarian reserves the right to limit, recall, or deny the loan of any materials
  • Examples of Reference collection at the IEM are:

-      IEM Reports

-      IEM Conferences/Seminars/ Workshops

-      IEM Publications (Bulletin/Journal/ Directory)


  • Borrowers are responsible for returning books before or on the due date.
  • Fines will be imposed for overdue items.
  • Overdue charges/fines are charged at RM1.00 per day, per item.
  • Overdue charges can be paid at the Library Circulation Counter.
  • To help users manage their loans and return materials, IEM Resource Centre will send the users a reminder by email shortly before the due date of loaned materials

Monday to Friday : 9.00 am to 6.00 pm
Saturday  9.00 am to 1.00 pm
Sunday & Public Holiday : CLOSED

Please email to or for any inquiries

Click this to Search Books

  1. IEM Resource Centre (RC) Services - steps to access eBooks and physical books - Click HERE
  2. Interlibrary Loan Using The National Library OPAC - Click HERE

Additional Information
Posted on
User Guides IEM Resource Centre 2023

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UTM KL Library Corporate Membership
Corporate Membership Flyer for your perusal. Thank you

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SIRIM Library Membership
Alternative for Standards (International) - Hardcopy format, English version AS (Australian) | ASTM| JIS (Japanese) | BSI | SAE | DIN (German) | ASME | CSA | ISO | IEC | AIAG| ANSI | AWWA | NFPA | IEEE and etc.

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IEM Library - User Guides and Information

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Electronic Book [EBOOK]
List all the Electronic Books (EBooks) Please download to search all the titles available (page 1-30)

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SIRIM Standard
Collection of SIRIM Standard available FOR REFERENCE only.

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Malaysian Standard
Collection of MS available FOR REFERENCE only. Kindly contact Librarian for further assistance.

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