Engineering Technician Member

FAQ for Engineering Technician Competency Assessment (TnA) for admission or transfer to Engineering Technician Membership (E.Tn.I.E.M.)

Who Can Apply?

Engineering Diploma Holder (Both IEM Engineering Technician Graduate Member and Non-IEM Engineering Technician Graduate Member)

The applicant for admission or transfer to the grade of Engineering Technician membership shall produce evidence to the satisfaction of the Council on the following:

i.   Graduated from an accredited Engineering diploma qualification
ii.  has obtained at least three (3) years of relevant practical experience

A summary is as described in the diagram below: 

Note: Special consideration may however be given to applicants who meet the requirements of item (i) and (ii) above, but did not meet the minimum criteria of three (3) years’ registration with BEM as an Engineering Technician on the date of application.  

Senior members of IEM via Senior Bridging Scheme 

The following categories of IEM members may apply to be elected as IEM Engineering Technician Member via the Senior Bridging Scheme. 

  • Fellow
  • Senior Member
  • Member
  • Senior Graduate Member 

The applicant for election to the grade of Engineering Technician Member through the Senior Bridging Scheme shall produce evidence to the satisfaction of the Council on the following:

i. has obtained a minimum of 10 years’ working experience in the
        relevant field (this can be during the career of the applicant, and not
        necessarily from the date of registration with BEM)  

The candidates in this category will only be exempted from the written assessment. 

What is Engineering Technician Competency Assessment (TnA)?

An applicant who wish to be elected or transferred to the Engineering Technician Member grade is required to undertake the Engineering Technician Competency Assessment (TnA).

The specific objectives of the TnA is to assess the applicant’s: 

  • personal attributes 
  • ability to communicate effectively

The TnA consists of two stages: 

Stage 1: Submission of Assessment Application Documents for documentary review of competency evidence to assess Applicant’s eligibility and readiness for the TnA.

Stage 2: In-person assessment of Candidate that consist of oral examination as well as answering of five short questions.

How can I register?

An applicant for Engineering Technician Competency Assessment (TnA) must submit the following documents duly certified by a Corporate Member or an Engineering Technician Member.

  • One (1) copy of Engineering Technician Member Application Form
  • Two (2) sets of Technician Portfolio of Evidence
  • Application Fee and TnA Assessment Fee

How much is the Technician Competency Assessment (TnA) Fees?

Items  Amount 
Application  Fee  RM100
TnA Assessment Fee for IEM Engineering Technician Graduate/Graduate Member RM150
TCA Assessment for Non-Engineering Technician Graduate/Graduate Member  RM200

What is Engineering Technician?

Engineering Technician

  • Engineering technicians are graduates that have acquired an Engineering or Engineering Technology Diploma qualification. 
  • Engineering technician’s education and training are highly application oriented and focus on practical skills. 
  • Engineering technicians are employed to work as part of the engineering team together with engineering technologists and engineers. Engineering technicians assist engineers and engineering technologist to implement engineering works by applying engineering knowledge combined with practical skills. Engineering technicians support the whole spectrum of engineering activities such as design, development, testing, manufacturing, operation service and maintenance.
  • In the job scope of testing for example, engineering technicians assist the engineers and engineering technologist in collecting data, designing and performing tests, assembling equipment and recording test data.

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Guidelines for Applicant & Candidate - Technicians

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