Chemical and mechanical engineers often have to deal with fluid flow and hydraulic analysis in their projects and technical works. Unfortunately, most people do it incorrectly or without sufficient knowledge, resulting in undersizing and/or oversizing of lines and components in the hydraulic systems, which subsequently lead to problems in operations. The problem with existing training courses is that they focus only on line pressure drop, but fails to address the effects of many important components such as fittings, control valves, pumps, compressors, heat transfer equipment, and instruments. This intensive course will show real examples of hydraulic analysis calculations, thus making it very practical and useful for practicing design engineers.
Target Group: Engineers e.g. chemical engineers and mechanical engineers, process design engineers, process engineers, engineering company engineers, any technical people dealing with fluid flow and hydraulic analysis.
Mr. Charles, Wiroon Tanthapanichakoon is a founder of Thailand’s No. 1 Chemical Engineering Training Center with more than 200 organizations and more than 2000 engineers having attended his training seminars. He is a·Managing Director of Global R&D Co., Ltd., Thailand’s pioneer company in chemical technology R&D and scale-up and engineering consultancy services. He holds a Bachelor and Master degrees in Chemical Engineering from Kyoto University, Japan and has more than 16 years experience in a refinery of a global oil company and an ethylene plant of a leading Thai petrochemical company.
Mr. Wiroon has a work experience in a technology team of a renowned US technology licensor, GTC Technology for refining and petrochemical industry. He is a member of Elsevier Editorial Board in Process and Plant Design and an advisory board member of International Association of Certified Practicing Engineers (IACPE). He is also a Senior Member of American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and has been an invited lecturer and instructor for various technical seminars. Mr. Wiroon has been known as one of the first Thai chemical engineers to have published articles in 3 renowned chemical engineering monthly magazines in the US – i.e. Chemical Engineering Progress (by AIChE), Chemical Engineering Magazine & Hydrocarbon Processing. Part from his achievements, he also holds several papers on Sciencedirect and technology patents, Presented papers at AIChE 2006 Fall Meeting and was the first engineer of his Thaileading company to present technical knowledge at AIChE 2015 Spring Meeting: Ethylene Producers’ Conference. Mr. Wiroon was an invited expert for an IChemE Webinar on Scale-Up in Feb 2020. He is also a technical advisor in the committee for NSTDA multi-billion baht pilot plant project in Wangchan, Rayong.