Past Event

Talk on Scientific Research Funding From The European Union
Venue: Auditorium Tan Sri Prof. Chin Fung Kee, 3rd Floor, Wisma IEM, Petaling Jaya
Date & Time: 24 Mar 2011 (5:30 PM - 7:30 PM)
CPD: 2
Closing Date Before: 21-Mar-2011 (Subject to change based on availability of seat)
Organised By Technical Division - Chemical Engineering


The Seventh Framework Programme for research and technological development (FP7) is the European Union’s main instrument for funding research in Europe and beyond. FP7 is the result of years of consultation with the scientific community, research and policy making institutions, the business community and other interested parties. Since their launch in 1984, the Framework Programmes have played a lead role in multidisciplinary research and cooperative activities in Europe and beyond. FP7 continues that task, and is both larger and more comprehensive than earlier Framework Programmes. Running from 2007 to 2013, the programme has a budget of 53.2 billion euros over its seven-year lifespan, the largest funding allocation yet for such programmes. Non European countries are usually eligible to apply, under certain conditions and up to around 30% of the FP7 budget may be spent outside Europe.
In addition, some 15% of the budget is earmarked for small medium enterprises (SMEs).  This talk focuses on the Cooperation, and People elements of the FP7 with a particular emphasis on opportunities for SMEs, which are regarded as integral players in most FP7 collaborative projects. Indeed throughout FP7, SMEs will actively be encouraged to participate in all research actions, especially those under the Themes of the Cooperation programme and the People programme.


David Crowley is an International Business Development Executive for The University of Nottingham. With a background in International Finance and Business from Trinity College in Dublin, David also was Paul Henri Spaak Scholar at the Institute of European Studies in Brussels where he obtained his Masters degree in the Economics of the European Union (through French) and also spent time at the University of Maryland, USA. He started his career in Brussels with the European Commission and joined The University of Nottingham in 1989. He has over 20 years experience promoting, applying for and managing the European Union’s Research and Educational programmes, especially the Framework Programmes and the Erasmus Mundus Programme, having also been Head of Research Administration at the prestigious European University Institute in Florence, Italy. He came to the Malaysia Campus in January 2009.

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Talk on Scientific Research Funding From The European Union

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